Tutaj masz kolejne przeslanie. Kiedys pisalem z gosciem w sprawie BMW, na koniec probowal mnie w Western Union wkrecic, zebym wplacil pieniadze na dane mojej zony i przeslal jemu potwierdzenie (gwarancja ze mam pieniadze). Na potwierdzeniu jest numer ktory pozwala na wyciagniecie pieniedzy bez zadnych innych dokumentow na w kazdym oddziale WU... Takze daj sobie spokoj bo zostaniesz bez pieniedzy.piotrb79 pisze:Dobra rozumiem przesłanie. Dać sobie spokój i już.
"Hello Mr....,
Thank you for writing back and for the interest in buying my car.
We are dutch people and we have german residence. We own a house in Augsburg and the car is registered there on my name. This is the reason why the announcement had been posted online as being located there. We live and we are currently located in the Netherlands (Leiden). The car is located here in the Netherlands too.
The car is in good condition (no technical problems and no accident history). There are no visible scratches and no rust (corrosion).
I am 46 years old and I am the first owner of the car. We decided to sell the car because this is the third car of the family.
The car had never been imported (registered) in the Netherlands. We decided not to import (register) the car in the Netherlands because the taxes are bigger than in Germany. The car has german papers and german registration (deutsche kennzeichen/papiere). The inspections has been done always on time and the taxes has been paid in Germany as well.
I can bring the car in Germany and we can meet. You can see/test the car and if you like it, we can do the deal.
We can meet on Friday or Saturday (in the morning) in Augsburg. When and where do you propose us to meet?"