Strona 1 z 1
Golf mk2 R32
: pt cze 04, 2010 09:40
autor: fagri
: pt cze 04, 2010 21:03
autor: kubcor
So, first I'm sorry for my English
That's a great mk2

I seen it on other forum and she's realy looks bautiful

The colour is lovely... RS's looks nicee... Leather seets are great! Is that engine from R32 Maisto? Can you show me she's back?

Good job!
: pt cze 04, 2010 21:16
autor: maciek457
Very nice!
: pt cze 04, 2010 21:24
autor: corrado-fun
good job , mk2 is great

: pt cze 04, 2010 22:13
autor: fagri
thank you very much. dont worry about the english, its fine, i can understand.
Dziękuję bardzo. Nie martw o angielski, grzywny, ja rozumiem.
kubcor did you get my message?

: pt cze 04, 2010 22:15
autor: kubcor
fagri pisze:
kubcor did you get my message?
Emmm... No... Wheres is it? You talk about PM on forum?
There is it

: ndz cze 06, 2010 12:03
autor: Yamakashi
I'm Arthur. Do you have any car models?
This Volkswagen is very beautiful. Xit the engine compartment.
Take Care

: wt cze 08, 2010 08:51
autor: Arnold95
Welcome my friend from SPC
Beautiful Golf

: wt cze 08, 2010 08:53
autor: Danijel
Good job!!
: pt cze 11, 2010 12:28
autor: fagri
thank you everybody. Hey arnold!