1.8T gruszka turbiny
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1.8T gruszka turbiny
Witam szukałem informacji na temat gruszki turbiny w silniku 1.8T 180KM AUQ jednak niestety nic nie znalazłem. Moja gruszka kwalifikuje się do wymiany, a nie mogę znaleźć nowej. Sprzedawca twierdzi, że zarówno ta z modelu 1.8T 150KM jak i ta z 180KM niczym się nie różni i może być stosowana zamiennie. Proszę o pomoc
1.8T gruszka turbiny
Z tego co mi wiadomo jest różnica ponizej widac k03-011 a np k03-026
All the following turbos have the same installation dimensions and
thermodynamical performance. The differences are only in the actuator that
opens the turbine bypass valve:
K03-011 (5303 988 0011) 150 hp, 65 N actuator
K03-026 180 hp, 85 N actuator
K03-035 180 hp, 85 N actuator
K03-044 150 hp, 65 N actuator
K03-045 156 hp (Ibiza Cupra), 85 N actuator with 2 ports
K03-049 150 hp (Sharan/Alhambra), 65 N actuator
The 180 hp versions have an actuator with a higher opening force due to the
higher exhaust gas pressure (which is a consequence of the higher boost
pressure). Otherwise the valve would be pushed open by the exhaust gas
The following turbos are a further development (since 2000) and have an
improved and slightly larger compressor while using the same turbine (still
with the same installation dimensions):
K03-052 180 hp, 85 N actuator
K03-053 150 hp, 85 N actuator
K03-058 150 hp/180 hp, 85 N actuator
Mit freundlichen Grüßen/Best regards,
BorgWarner Turbo Systems GmbH
Sales IDS - Technical Support
Christian Seibert
All the following turbos have the same installation dimensions and
thermodynamical performance. The differences are only in the actuator that
opens the turbine bypass valve:
K03-011 (5303 988 0011) 150 hp, 65 N actuator
K03-026 180 hp, 85 N actuator
K03-035 180 hp, 85 N actuator
K03-044 150 hp, 65 N actuator
K03-045 156 hp (Ibiza Cupra), 85 N actuator with 2 ports
K03-049 150 hp (Sharan/Alhambra), 65 N actuator
The 180 hp versions have an actuator with a higher opening force due to the
higher exhaust gas pressure (which is a consequence of the higher boost
pressure). Otherwise the valve would be pushed open by the exhaust gas
The following turbos are a further development (since 2000) and have an
improved and slightly larger compressor while using the same turbine (still
with the same installation dimensions):
K03-052 180 hp, 85 N actuator
K03-053 150 hp, 85 N actuator
K03-058 150 hp/180 hp, 85 N actuator
Mit freundlichen Grüßen/Best regards,
BorgWarner Turbo Systems GmbH
Sales IDS - Technical Support
Christian Seibert
1.8T gruszka turbiny
checior dzięki za odpowiedź. Z tego co wiem gruszka od 150 wygląda tak samo jak od wersji 180KM. Może wiesz gdzie szukać takiej gruszki nowej ?
1.8T gruszka turbiny
Wygląda tak samo ale różnica jest tak jak napisalem wyżej turbina k03-011 ma actuator 65n i jest w wersji 150 a np tak zwana seria k03s maja actuator 85n wiec wyglad to nie wszystko. Spróbuj zapytac u nich http://www.turbo-sprezarki.com.pl/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
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